LOP Saturday Group Ride/STBVF Board MeetingThis is the Redneck Alps. We'll spell how we darned well please! Land of the Pioneers Saturday. This week we'll be taking the show on...
STBVF Board Meeting/Saturday Group RideSaturday Ride: Thought we might start by getting your attention with this picture: Jay Reagan gets some big air on Murder Hornet, May...
Blue Ridge Construction/Saturday Group RideBlue Ridge Trail Construction: Isn't it great to see progress on our trail system here in the White Mountains? Construction for a new...
Saturday Group Ride Cancelled/Sunday Gravel GrindNo Saturday Group Ride The first official group ride was last Saturday and we had a great turnout of fourteen people. The weather was...
Let the Games BeginSaturday Morning Group Ride: Happy Spring from STBVF! As we are in mid-April and the weather is now cooperating, our first group ride...
STBVF Board Meeting, 2/15/24, 7:30 a.m.Hey, just letting everyone know that we have a regular STBVF Board meeting scheduled for February 15, 2024 at 7:30 a.m. We'll be at the...
Where's Walter?Walter sends his best and wants to thank everyone for a great 2023 out in the Buena Vista trails! It was a huge year for STBVF's efforts...
Rider DownIn Memory of Tom Begala Wanted to share the news that one of the regulars on our White Mountain Saturday morning group rides passed away...
Demo Day Ride in BuenaSaturday Ride/Demo Day: Cycle Mania has arranged for Pivot Bikes to have a demo day on Saturday morning, 11/11 in the Buena Vista...
Land Exchange News/Saturday RideShow Low South Land Exchange Completed: The United States Forest Service has confirmed that the Show South land exchange was completed....