Pinewood Showdown Weekend/BV Fences
1st Annual Pinewood Showdown: This weekend is the 1st annual Pinewood Show down which is being put on by Zia Rides. This is the first "gravel-grinder" event to ever come to the White Mountains of Arizona. Riders have the options of choosing between a 25ish, 45ish, or 80ish mile routes. If you have not signed up for the event yet and want to participate . . . well, you can still do it before midnight. It is not too late: Volunteers are still needed to help out and make this event a success! You can volunteer to help here:
Due to the Pinewood event, there will be no other group ride scheduled for Saturday, September 14. We will resume our regular group rides on September 21, 2024!
New Fences in the Buena Vista: We do not believe non-motorized users are responsible and in fact have solid information to the contrary, However, the new fences that recently went up in the land exchange area have been cut in at least one location. The new property owner has sent correspondence to the homeowners in Sierra Pines and perhaps other communities indicating that this kind of activity is not appreciated.
So you know, the new property owner is working with STBVF, TRACKS and the City of Show Low and providing funding to create new trails in the Buena to replace those lost in the land exchange. The new property owner will also ultimately be contributing toward creating a second trailhead off of SR260 in the future.
We would really appreciate everyone being respectful even if we don't completely love the changes occurring in the BV right now. We are getting there with our new trail proposal and what we lost will be recovered elsewhere. We remind trail users to be courteous and not cut into the new fences in the area!