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Those Whippy Things/Saturday Ride
Summer 2023 Trail Adoptions: The oaks have all come out and now and seem to have exploded in growth! As a result we are all getting...
Saturday Ride @ Los Burros/New County Grant
County Grant Award: The STBVF Board is pleased to announce the receipt of a $5,000 grant from Navajo County to assist us with Phase I...

Annual Meeting/Heritage Study Begins/Saturday Ride
Heritage Study Begins: Finally! We have boots on the ground doing our Heritage Study for the Buena Vista Trails as of today. Abby...

Saturday LOP Group Ride/Heritage Study Begins
Land of the Pioneers, View from Ecks Mountain Land of the Pioneers Group Ride Saturday: We are changing things up a little bit this...

Saturday BV Ride
Saturday A.M. Group Ride. Hey, just letting everyone know that we'll be planning to do a Saturday morning group ride again on Saturday,...
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