Snowflake Secrets 10/8/22
Saturday Snowflake Secrets Ride: Lots of rain in the forecast for the next several days. Between the likely rain and the cool weather, it seems like it might be a good time to take a trip to ride the Snowflake Secret Trails on Saturday. The trails should be drier than those in Show Low or Pinetop-Lakeside and they've been worn in good by the high school kids. It will be a nice change of pace from the BV.

If you head out from Show Low, turn left onto Papermill Rd. when you get into Taylor. Go south a couple of miles on Papermill until you pass the EATC training center on your right. It is easily recognizable if you've not been out there before because the EATC has a tall training tower firefighters use to practice their rope skills on. It is the tallest thing around. Just past the turn in for the EATC look for the first gate on your right. That will be the meeting place and where we'll head in from this week. Let's plan on meeting at 8:00 a.m.. We'll probably log 10-15 miles depending on exactly what we do. It will be a moderate-paced "no-drop" ride so we don't lose anyone. Intermediate MTB skills recommended. Perhaps Rick or Brandon will show up and we'll get a tour from the curators themselves!