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Saturday Ride in the Secrets!

Saturday Group Ride: Hey there everyone! We sure did have a good time riding the Buena Vista Secret Trails last Saturday. We had a nice group of nine people, including a couple of newcomers which is always nice! Kendall Whiting made his first appearance with us for a bit and Larry Page was back with us from the valley for Labor Day weekend. It sure was good to see him back out there too! The rain was a bit of a surprise Saturday night which pretty much destroyed our bid for an encore ride at Los Burros Sunday. When you arrive at the trailhead and see water flowing down the trail to you it is usually a sign that nothing good is going to come of riding that trail! Land of the Pioneers ended up sufficing, and that had gotten a lot less rain.

For this coming week we plan a group ride in the Buena on Saturday, 8/10 once again. Meet at the Buena Vista Trailhead off of U.S. 60 at 7:00 a.m. Plan on a 12-15 mile ride, intermediate MTB skills are recommended. Specific route TBD. It is, as always, just a good social no-drop ride with the primary goal to have fun and motivate everyone to get out and ride.

Post Land Exchange Layout Work Ongoing: We are currently doing trail layout for the new Chihuahua Pines Connector and the Petrified trail, which will need re-routed after the land exchange. If you see orange flagging out there below Flintstone and starting about 2/3 of the way down Petrified, that is STBVF working on solutions for the future. If you want to participate, please speak up!

Call For Help With Snowflake Secret Trails: As you may have heard, Snowflake is hosting an ACA race for high school aged mountain bikers on Saturday, September 24th. In preparation for that, Rick Brimhall and Brandon Hatch have asked that we spread the message that they need help with prepping the trails our there for the race on Sept 10th, Saturday at 3-6 pm. I'm told we should meet on Taylor side (southern hill area), next Saturday. This will be the final clean up for the race on the 24th. 🥳🥳🥳🥳 If you can help out, please do!


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