Saturday BV Ride/Heritage Study Update
Saturday Morning Group Ride: Hey, just letting everyone know that we'll have a group ride again this weekend out in the Buena Vista area. Meet at the BV trailhead at 8:00 a.m.. Expect a 12-15 mile ride, friendly social paced with frequent stops to re-group at trail junctions. Intermediate MTB skills recommended. If you haven't been out to join us yet this spring, please do so!

Trail Repair Work: You might have noticed we've taken the opportunity to make some trail repairs over the last couple of weeks. One of them on Crotalus and the other on Laird's. Thanks to Susie, Matt, Peter, Conrad, Pat and Carmel for helping out in dealing with these erosion problems!
Heritage Study: We've been delayed by a week on getting our Heritage Study done. The plan is now for Logan Simpson's workers to be out there doing the work for us the week of May 15th.